
Disclaimer & Discount Policy

The information published on takeoffwizard is accurate and completely correct to the best of our understanding. To ensure the accuracy of content, data, prices and other details, we depend upon the information provided to us by our travel partners and service providers. We, as an organization, have taken all the required measures to ensure that the information is complete and updated at a regular interval. However, keeping in mind the market complexity, the fares are subjected to further changes and the same can be incorporated into our website without providing you (our users) any prior notice.

takeoffwizard Disclaimer

As per the Terms & Conditions written and displayed on takeoffwizard, we cannot be held liable to bear the loss, damage or injury suffered by you as a result of your dependency solely on the information published on our website or the websites that are linked to us.

Discount Policy

Offers or deals that run on takeoffwizard might be varied and depend upon the industry determinants. The provided information reflecting the discounts involves several different factors - including travel duration, dates of the booking, blackout dates, and any prior notice that concerns the offers. The fares may differ for a specific booking without providing any prior notice to the users. If a customer claims discount savings, we conduct an appropriate assessment and evaluation of such flight packages before we process it.